Category Archives: Podcast

American Public Media on Bull Brook Keep – about un-retiring to the farm

As Dave and I look forward to 2017, and look back on the several few years, I again appreciate an interview I did with American Public Media’s Chris Farrell last year.
Chris’ program is about unretirement – what people are planning and doing as they retire from one career and move into the next part of their lives.
SummerIconThanks again, Chris, for visiting Bull Brook Keep and for considering the values David and I strive to live as we’ve made that shift from our city-based careers to our farm-anchored lives.
I hope you enjoy this interview. Bonus: the episode ends with Dessa’s “Beekeeper.”
You can find out lots more about Chris’s program, resources and other interviews at
And, I trust you will have an absolutely wonderful New Year!

Ben Hewitt on 21st Century homesteading for a meaningful, healthful life on 40 acres or in a 400-sq ft apartment

Deep Roots Radio
Ben Hewitt on 21st Century homesteading for a meaningful, healthful life on 40 acres or in a 400-sq ft apartment

Author, homesteader Ben Hewitt

Author, homesteader Ben Hewitt

I hope you enjoy this Deep Roots Radio chat with author and modern-day homesteader Ben Hewitt. An engaging storyteller, Ben pulls you right into his books and their characters. His most recent publication is The Nourishing Homestead: One Back-to-the-land Family’s Plan for Cultivating Soil, Skills and Spirit. Ben, his wife Penny and their two sons grow 90% of their foods and build their lives on 40 acres in Vermont.
What they’ve learned over the years “is readily transferable to any place — whether you live on 4 acres, 40 acres or in a 400-square-foot studio apartment.

On November 10, 2016, Hewitt be in Amery, Wisconsin to share a great meal, and to describe his experiences and ideas about the tie between growing your food and quality of life, environmental consciousness and rebuilding local community.

He’s also written:
– The Town that Food Saved: How One Community Found Vitality in Local Food
– Making Supper Safe: One Man’s Quest to Learn the Truth about Food Safety
– Home Grown: The Adventures in Parenting off the Beaten Path, Unschooling and Reconnecting with the Natural World

Enjoy a local organic dinner, and conversation with Ben Hewitt
Nov. 10, 2015, 6:00-9:00PM
Farm Table Restaurant, Amery, WI
For tickets,

Extra! Extra! Get your free Deep Roots Radio podcast here!

Miss an episode of Deep Roots Radio? Here’s a bunch of them – conversations with some of the most interesting farmers, ranchers, reporters, writers, cooks, scientists, policymakers and thought leaders. Download and listen whenever you like, or click and listen online.

Saturdays, 9:00-9:30AM CT on

Saturdays, 9:00-9:30AM CT on

Dr. Gail Hanson on antibiotics overuse in industrial ag and the rise of superbugs

Deep Roots Radio
Dr. Gail Hanson on antibiotics overuse in industrial ag and the rise of superbugs

The antibiotics given to livestock amount to tons every year. If these drugs were administered to help the animal recover from illness or injury, I could see it. But that’s not the case. In many confined animal feeding operations, antibiotics are mixed with the daily feed in order to prevent illness due to crowded conditions, and to boost animal growth.
What does that mean for us?

Dr. Gail Hansen, a senior officer for Pew’s campaign on human health and industrial farming

Dr. Gail Hansen, a senior officer for Pew’s campaign on human health and industrial farming

This Deep Roots Radio interview with Dr. Gail Hanson, of the PEW Charitable Trusts provides eye-opening information.


Chefs for sustainable food – James Beard Foundation VP Kris Moon on the new Impact Programs

Deep Roots Radio
Chefs for sustainable food - James Beard Foundation VP Kris Moon on the new Impact Programs

We all know that chefs can cook, some of them extraordinarily. And we know that what they cook can reflect and flavor local culture. But did you know our chefs can – and increasingly do – play a role in redesigning a more sustainable, healthful food system in America?
I really enjoyed this conversation with Kris Moon, Vice President of the James Beard Foundation because the foundation’s Impact Programs spotlight and promote chef-led efforts to rebuild a more nutritious and regionally-sourced food system in our country.
Experienced and trained in restaurant management, nutrition and major networking events, Moon is leading programs true to the values and heart of the foundation’s namesake, James Beard – the chef and cookbook author who was lovingly regarded as “America’s favorite chef.”
I hope you enjoy this Deep Roots Radio conversation.

Connecting the dots between what we eat and how its grown

Connecting the dots between what we eat and how its grown

Herbalist/farmer Nancy Graden talks about medicinal herbs on her certified organic Red Clover Herbal Apothecary Farm.

Deep Roots Radio
Herbalist/farmer Nancy Graden talks about medicinal herbs on her certified organic Red Clover Herbal Apothecary Farm.

I hope you enjoy this Deep Roots Radio interview with trained and experienced medicinal herbalist and farmer Nancy Graden, owner and operator of Red Clover Herbal Apothecary Farm, Amery, Wisconsin.
Nancy brings decades of training and field experience to her farm and to the people of Amery, Polk County and the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota metro area.

Deep Roots Radio, 91.3FM and

Deep Roots Radio, 91.3FM and

Lisa Kivirist about newest book, “Soil Sisters: A Toolkit for Women Farmers”

Deep Roots Radio
Lisa Kivirist about newest book, "Soil Sisters: A Toolkit for Women Farmers"

Just published, Soil Sisters:A Toolkit for Women Farmers provides resources, tips and new visions. Its a book about empowering ourselves to reach out, branch out, and shape our lives on the farm.

A toolkit for women farmers

A toolkit for women farmers

I hope you enjoy this Deep Roots Radio interview with farmer, author and prize-winning eco-innkeeper Lisa Kivirist about her newest book, Soil Sisters: A toolkit for women farmers.
Lisa is a Senior Fellow, Endowed Chair in Agricultural Systems at the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and a national advocate for women in sustainable ag. She founded and directs the Rural Women’s Project of the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service, an award-winning initiative championing female farmers and food-based entrepreneurs.
She and her husband John Ivanko are partners in Inn Serendipity, their nationally recognized environmentally-designed b&b in southern Wisconsin. They have also co-authored Homemade for Sale, Farmstead Chef, ECOpreneuring, and Rural Rennaisance.
Lisa Kivirist and John Ivanko

Lisa Kivirist and John Ivanko

Missed a recent Deep Roots Radio show? Download/listen here or on iTunes.

100% grass-fed beef – grown for flavor, nutrition and environmental stewardship – is at the core of our farm, Bull Brook Keep. We breed our herd, raise the cows, and finish our beef with the land, animals and customers in mind. We’re committed to farming with a tiny carbon hoofprint (c).
We’re also dedicated to exchanging ideas and information. It’s why we encourage visitors to walk our pastures with us. It’s also why I produce and co-host a Saturday morning show called Deep Roots Radio.
Every food dollar we spend supports the production system behind it. Are we paying for chemicals and poverty-level wages? Are we importing instead of growing food here? Are we buying locally-grown foods?
In the past five years, Deep Roots Radio guests have helped us connect the dots between what we eat and how it’s grown. They’ve included farmers and ranchers, scientists and policy makers, educators and chefs, film makers and investigative reporters.
Here’s an archive of recent shows. Download/listen here, or find on iTunes. Enjoy.

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Connecting the dots between what we eat and how it’s grown

Saturday mornings, 9:00-9:30AM Central Time. Broadcast and streamed live from the studios of WPCA Radio, 93.1FM and on the Internet at

Investing slow $$$ to build a better food system, faster. Chat with Renewing the Countryside’s Brett Olson.

Deep Roots Radio
Investing slow $$$ to build a better food system, faster. Chat with Renewing the Countryside's Brett Olson.

One way to move America’s food system to great taste, high nutrition, environmental stewardship, humane animal welfare, and fair wages is through thoughtful investment – slow money. What is slow money? How does it work and what does it mean to you and me? How can you and I make a difference? Find out in this Deep Roots Radio interview with Brett Olson, co-founder and creative director of Renewing the Countryside. Minnesota’s first Slow Monday event is June 17, 2015, 5:00-8:00PM at Como Park, St. Paul, Minn. For information on this event, click here.