Thorny Hawthorn, Part 3: EagleSong describes worldwide travels to visit helpful hawthorn trees

Deep Roots Radio
Deep Roots Radio
Thorny Hawthorn, Part 3: EagleSong describes worldwide travels to visit helpful hawthorn trees

In this Deep Roots Radio chat, herbalist EagleSong Gardener describes the many trips she’s made to England, Europe, Mexico, and across the USA in search of hawthorn trees – a not-very-tall but very thorny tree that has helped cultures with food and natural remedies for hundreds of years. I’m so glad EagleSong visited the hawthorn thickets on my farm, Bull Brook Keep, in fall 2022. I use them for heart-healthy teas and tinctures.

Eagle Song Gardener and hawthorn fruit

This podcast is the third in a series of three with EagleSong about hawthorn. The first focused on how to identify this hedgerow plant, and the second looked into ways to use it in the kitchen and in your apothecary.

You can find out lots more about EagleSong’s work, lessons and products on her website, at herbal medicine conferences all across the US, and on her Youtube channel, @eaglesonggardener1893.

I hope you enjoy this interview.


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