Tag Archives: Upstream Tea

How Upstream Tea project brews city-country-upstream-downstream connections about our shared water

Deep Roots Radio
Deep Roots Radio
How Upstream Tea project brews city-country-upstream-downstream connections about our shared water

It’s quenching and destructive. It’s calming and controversial, and essential to life.


How we divert rivers, tap lakes, draw down aquifers, and taint our groundwater affects us all because water is a shared commodity. It’s fragile and it’s powerful. The questions, proposals and debates over how to use and protect our watersheds will grow – and grow quickly – in the near future.

Are there shared experiences, memories, and values that can help us enter into healthy conversation about this very hot topic? Yes, and one of them is Anna Metcalfe’s Upstream Tea project.

Upstream Tea cup

For the past two years, Anna has encouraged groups large and small — academic and practical, city and rural — to share personal experiences about water — oceans, streams, lakes, creeks, rain, flood, drought, etc. And it’s all done while sipping tea served in handcrafted cups inked with memories, values, hopes and fears about our shared water resources, our water sheds.

Anna continues looking for groups of individuals to share their stories and ideas. If you’re interested, contact her through her website. I hope you enjoy this Deep Roots Radio chat about Upstream Tea.
