Tune in Sat., July 1, 9-9:30AM Central for chat about Wisc Women in Conservation Week

It’s the first day of July and the sun’s shining. As the day warms up, I’m thinking about the day’s chores: fill the cattle trough with fresh water, water the new tree and shrub plantings, and check on the health of the native herbs that grow across our pastures and down by the brook.

Kriss Marion

Those native plants are a significant asset on our farm, and we’re working to preserve and encourage them. Lots of other farmers are doing the same.  This morning, on Deep Roots Radio we’ll chat with Kriss Marion to learn how the Wisconsin Women in Conservation works to encourage conservation measures on land owned and farmed by women in Wisconsin.



We’ll also learn why Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has proclaimed July 10-16 Wisconsin Women in Conservation Week, and for the third year in a row! There’ll be lots of celebration going on that’s free and open to the public.

Please join us today, July 1st, 9:00-9:30AM Central Time, by dialing in to 93.1FM in and around Amery, WI, or www.wpcaradio.org worldwide.

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